$88.00 USD

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High-performance Hypnosis Library

Are you ready to bust your own limits to success?  

Get ready to release doubt, anxiety, raise your self-esteem, regulate your nervous system and release old patterns. 

Isn't it time to magnetize more money? As you listen you will be recoding your brain and begin to make the powerful SUBCONSCIOUS shifts that will allow you to make the leap and create your desired reality much faster.

Here's how it works:

1.)After you Purchase your High- Performance Hypnosis audio Library ,you will be sent an email. This email will have your login info.

2.) Login and listen!

3.)You will begin to notice subtle shifts at first. But the more you listen, the faster your subconscious and superconscious will align with your conscious mind allowing you to SHIFT your reality much faster.

Here is a list of the audios you will get instant access to when you sign up:

🎧Become Magnetic to Money{Re-Code Money Beliefs}

🎧Contact with your Higher Self Hypnosis

🎧Letting Go (Release the Past)

🎧Releasing Anxiety (Regulating the Nervous System)

🎧Raise your Self-Esteem (Owning your Unique Magic)

🎧Time Bending (Einstein Time)

🎧Timeline Jump: Travel to Parallel Dimensions

🎧Magic Mirror Self {Merge with the Empowered Self}

🎧Soul Client Attraction

NOTE: Download the Kajabi App. and listen right from your phone.

As is traditionally the case with digital products there are no refunds.